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About Us

The Harrison family has owned and operated Higher Health since 1998. 

To support the health and wellbeing of local residents and friends, The Harrisons opened Higher Health to educate, aid, and help others develop stronger bodies and minds. With over twenty years experience and a thorough understanding of how vitamins and herbs can help supplement our contemporary dietary habits, Rhonda and Lee have been sharing their expertise with those who look to manage their health within their busy lives.

Lee Harrison, an award-winning powerlifter and bodybuilder who competed for over 10 years, offers clients expertise and wisdom in weight training, diet planning, and supplementation. Lee has studied nutrition for over 30 years.

Rhonda Harrison, a former operator of Spa Lady in Florida, developed her passion for wellness and health while working with clients at her day spa. With over 20 years in the wellness industry, Rhonda's experience has shaped their present day vision for Higher Health, where she offers a holistic approach to nutrition and wellness. 

Lee Harrison in training for a bodybuilding contest in 1986.

Lee Harrison in training for a bodybuilding contest in 1986.